Alex Nester

Posted: Monday, March 1, 2010 by MiKey in Labels: , , , ,

Okay IdolPhenomena followers here it is my interview with American Idol Season 9 contestant Alex Nester.

IP: I do realize that you weren’t the only cancer survivor in the competition how has overcoming that hurdle in your life affected your music?

As an artist, your music is a reflection of where you’ve been, what you’ve been through, what you want in life--it’s a reflection of who you are...and surviving cancer has had a profound effect on who *I* am. It has given me a new pe
rspective on life, love, music, people--and it has made me realize such a deeper appreciation and respect for everything...I know that may sound a bit cliché, but it’s true. Unfortunately sometimes it takes almost losing all those things to really make you internalize how important they are... I believe living through cancer has also made me a stronger person mentally, emotionally, and spiritually--another attribute I apply to my music.... Musically, I paint with all the colors of my life--experiences, feelings, people....surviving cancer is just another color for my canvas.

IP: What is the current project you are working on?

MUSICMUSICMUSIC!!! I released an album a while ago called “Rattle the Walls”--it’s my baby. It took 8 years to finish that album, and I am so incredibly proud of it. So now I’m getting back into heavily promoting the album, shopping it to labels, etc. I’m also going to finally start gigging again. During Idol I kind of had to lay low for a while simply because I didn’t know what was going to happen--but now that I’m no longer confined to th
e Idol contract I am so excited to get back out there with my band! We just booked our first post-Idol show at the Key Club on Saturday March 20th at 8pm, and I can’t wait--it’s gonna be a killer show! =)
IP: I suggest that all IdolPhenomena followers purchase her album on iTunes. I just recently downloaded Rattle the Walls from iTunes it’s incredible. I personally love the soulfulness of your voice it’s too bad that you weren’t featured singing on Idol. Personally I like Darkness into Light and The Music in My Life.

IP: How has the overall American Idol audition process affected your life today?
No matter how thick a skin you may have, going through the American Idol audition process will definitely make it thicker! ...I’ve also gained a much wider fan base, which is amazing. I find that people are much more likely to actually look me up and remember me with the words “American Idol” attached to my name.

IP: What is your most notab
le memory of the audition process?
My most notable memory of the Idol audition process would have to be making it through the judges round. That was an insane day! I was so stoked to receive my golden ticket I kicked off my heels and literally ran through the hallway, down the stairs, freaked out in the elevator, then continued to run out into the lobby and all the way out the door--it was truly ridiculous! But it was sooooo much fun! Excitement+massive adrenaline+Golden Ticket=one heck of a celebration!!

IP: Are there any idol hopefuls that you still keep in contact with today?
AN: I still keep in contact with Farayi Moore, Luke Edgemon, Tawny McCorkle, Katie Bernard (she was my first roommate in Hollywood), Tasha Layton (my second roommate in Hollywood), Samantha Musa, Tori Kelly, Jeffrey David Goldford...and a bunch of others as well. They’re all such incredible talents, and every single one of them deserves long, successful, amazing careers.

IP: What advice would you give to someone with the dream of being on Idol?
Never lose sight of the music. It’s the whole reason why you’re there. American Idol is definitely not “easy” by any stretch, and the meaning can often be lost in the madness. Love what you do and do it because you love it. Work hard, be kind, and take it seriously but not too seriously. In other words, take your craft seriously, but realize it’s not your only shot at making it in this business. If you don’t make it on Idol it does not necessarily mean you are a bad singer. You have to realize that before anything else American Idol is a reality television’s a whole different ball game when you get into the world of reality TV...

IP: Have you auditioned for any other idol like show before?

I actually auditioned for David Foster’s show “Star Tomorrow” with a girl pop trio I was in for a bunch of years. Unfortunately, we didn’t really go anywhere with it though...but it was pretty cool hearing David Foster compliment my voice!

IP: Who was your favorite contestant throughout the audition process?
I honestly never had a favorite contestant because they all brought something so unique to the table. That being said, I will always be a huge fan of Farayi Moore--both as a musician and as a person. I am blown away every time I hear her sing. Technically and artistically her voice is exceptional--it is such a travesty her auditions were not televised... As a person, she is so kind and loving and humble--I am truly blessed to have her as a friend.

IP: Who is your idol/role model and how have they inspired you?
I absolutely adore Stevie Wonder. He is one of the most incredible artists ever to grace this planet. I am so inspired by him and his music...everything from his chord progressions to his arrangements to his lyrics to the sheer passion and technical expertise of his voice--it makes me want to never stop growing as a musician.

IP: Which idol contestant are you listening to on your mp3 player?

I’ve been listening to Luke Edgemon a ton--the other night I must have listened to his one track about 20 times in a row! He is so talented and so passionate--his voice gives me chills every time I hear him!

IP: Is there currently a member of the Top 24 that you are rooting for or any other person you met along the way that we should take interest in?
It’s so weird to root for any one specific person in the Top 24 when you literally know all of them personally... I know that probably sounds like a cop-out answer, but it’s true. However, I do think Lilly Scott has got a really cool thing going--I love her vibe... And even though he didn’t make the Top 24 (which he absolutely should have) you should check out Jeffrey David Goldford--put simply: he is amazing! =)

Check out Alex singing Think which got her four yeses to Hollywood.

Check out Alex singing I've got to Use my Imagination - First Round Hollywood


  1. Unknown says:

    It's so sad her voice was never heard on the show. I wish they would have shown more of the idol contestants. I feel like most of the top 24 aren't very good compared to what they kicked off.

  1. KSD says:
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  1. KSD says:

    Alex is so very talented. She doesnt need American Idol. She's going to do great without them!!