Showing posts with label Spring Awakening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spring Awakening. Show all posts

IdolInterviews: Devyn Rush

Posted: Wednesday, April 6, 2011 by MiKey in Labels: , , , , , ,

Okay IdolPhenomena followers I know some of you have been anticipating thins so hear it is. Just recently I had the privilege to ask the incredibly talented Devyn Rush some questions about her Idol experience and her career in the entertainment industry. Here is what we came up with. I hope you enjoy learning a little bit more about Devyn, I know I did.

Q. First I have to say that Spring Awakening is one of my favorite musicals. So I have to ask, what was it like being a part of Spring Awakening’s workshop phase.

A. I love it too! Being a part of Spring Awakening was incredible. I got to work with some of the most talented performers and team in the world. I originated the role of Anna during the workshop at Lincoln Center, and then moved on to understudy Off-Broadway at the Atlantic Theater. I am so thankful for the experience.

Q. Did your past experiences in the entertainment industry prepare you for your Idol audition?

A. Absolutely, I have auditioned and worked my whole life, and I think that knowing the ups and downs of any business is really important. It is crucial to understand what it feels like to have accomplishments, so that you always have motivation to work toward something. But the feeling of rejection is equally important and motivating in a different way. Rejection makes me want to smash down the brick walls so that I can feel the accomplishment again.

Q. What lead you to or inspired you to audition for Idol this season? How did you feel after making it through all the preliminary rounds to finally be able to earn a chance to audition for the Judges?

A. I have always watched the show and was encouraged by some of my best friends and family to audition this year... so I gave it a go! Wow. I felt validated. It feels good to hear "yes."

Q. Have you auditioned for any other RealityTV show in the past or plan on doing so in the future?

A. When I was 14, I was on America's Most Talented Kids, so I've done RealityTV a couple times now. Who knows what the future holds? Right now, I’m just working (and playing) as hard as I can every day.

Q. How has the overall audition affected your life and music today?

A. The audition process made me want to work even harder. Being a part of the show was so much fun, and it was just a reminder of why I love what I do so, so much. The exposure I received on American Idol exceeded my expectations, and it has provided an amazing jumping-off point.

Q. Do you have a notable memory from the audition process you would like to share with the IdolPhenomena followers?

A. Well... aside from the food at the hotel being delicious- LOL it was fun to meet everyone there, and I was lucky because two of my friends from New York were also in Hollywood. Zak Resnick and I worked together at Ellen's Stardust Diner and he is one of my best friends. Also, Caleb Hawley and I did a songwriters' showcase together in NYC last summer, so I knew him prior to the experience.

Q. Is there anyone in particular that you like to keep in touch with?

A. Well of course I stay in touch with Zak and Caleb. They both do shows in the city, and I love going out to support them. I met a lot of great people in Hollywood. Janelle Arthur and I have stayed in touch as well as Jerome Bell... and I wrote to Casey Abrams after seeing his first audition on TV. They are all awesomely, talented people.

Q. At the beginning of March you announced that you are working on an album what can you tell me about that?

A. I am definitely excited, I can tell you that much! I've been in pre-production meetings for the past couple months, and things are definitely rolling! The album is going to be my original songs, they are very personal, and I am so excited to share them. I recently had a fundraiser show to help support the album. If anyone is interested in being a part of the making of my album, you can send donations to:

Bob Egan

C/O Devyn Rush

P.O. Box 67

New Hope, PA 18938

Thank you so much!

Q. What type of advice would you give someone that wants to try out of Idol?

A. Know who you are and what you love. I think that technique in singing is important, but singing from your soul is what sets you apart, because a soul can never be duplicated. Sing YOU and nobody else.

Q. Who is your role model and how have they inspired your craft?

A. I am thankful to have a lot of role models. I define a role model as someone who has changed and influenced your life in a positive way, someone who possesses qualities that you admire. A few of my role models are my parents and sister, my “Little Sister” Kelsey (I am a “Big Sister” through Big Brothers Big Sisters. Visit They are all intelligent, supportive, inspiring people, and I learn from them every day. I also have a lot of very successful friends, who are entrepreneurs and create their successes. They inspire me to recognize that I can create my success.

Q. Which past Idol is currently playing on your MP3 player?

A. Carrie Underwood for sure! Carrie’s songs are fun to rock out to when I’m driving... and sometimes I dance on the couch to “Some Hearts” when I’m at home by myself. Don’t tell my roommates ;)

Q. Any other additional insights and comments would be great…

A. There are a lot of things I’m working on right now! I have been teaming up with a bunch of organizations for music education and yoga. I just received my yoga teaching certification, which has been a huge goal of mine for a while. I am combining song-writing with yoga to provide two universally useful outlets for adolescents, to build emotional self-awareness and compassion for others. I have a lot of big ideas and goals and plan on achieving every single one!

As always thank you all for visiting IdolPhenomena I appreciate each and every one of my readers and followers. I would also like to thank Devyn for sharing a little bit about herself with all of us. Thanks :-).

For More Devyn Rush Check out the Links Below….


And now a little sample of Devyn’s incredible vocal talent. Check her out singing Listen by Beyonce below.