IdolThoughts: The Judges Unanimously Save Casey Abrams!!!
Posted: Saturday, March 26, 2011 by MiKey in Labels: American Idol Season 10, Casey Abrams, Stevie Wonder, Sugarland, Top 11 FinalistsSo I know it’s almost a day later but here are my thoughts about Thursday night’s results on Idol. After 30 Million votes tonight would truly be a shocker. So as usual the show opened with a group song but god was the first portion of it ghastly as Simon Cowell would have called it. It wasn’t until Stevie Wonder came out on stage with the Idols that it got much better.
However prior to performing Signed, Sealed, Delivered the Idol’s butchered Ain’t No Mountain High Enough. The melody was someplace else and none of them stood out in that performance. I attribute the amazingness of the second part of the opening number to the phenomenal Stevie Wonder considering the Idol’s just sang back-up to him. So after Stevie graced the stage it was time to wish Steven Tyler a Happy Birthday. The Idol’s presented him with a multi-colored cake that totally looked like plastic to me and a tie-dye image of him on canvas. This is followed by one of those Ford commercials we all love-LOL. Was it about recycling or a car… beats me.-LOL So now for some results first three center stage are Lauren, Pia and Scotty all of whom are safe.
Then Sugarland performs their single Stuck like Glue. I love Sugarland but my gosh what was Jennifer Nettles wearing. I wanted to cry for her it looked like she got dressed in the dark. That outfit was totally clash city. Next we see a spot on how wrestling has become a welcomed past-time in the Idol mansion (btw. The Idols no longer live in the mansion apparently its haunted) And now it’s time for Paul and James who are the biggest wrestling fans in the house to hear their fate. While Ryan is making up some fluff about how their not safe out comes Hulk Hogan.
Paul and James are flabbergasted. I thought James was gonna crap his pants- he was so surprised.-LOL. In the meantime Hulk lets the boys know their safe but not without throwing Ryan off stage into the “audience.” Then Hulk rips his shirt off … that’s no surprise. Ryan hands over Huk’s shirt to James who had a kid in a candy store look on his face. Awkward. Next center stage are Jacob, Thia and Stefano. Jacob is safe an apparently receives a kiss from Steven Tyler I thought it was just a hug. That would be awkward moment #2. Jennifer loved that Thia took a chance this week and she wants Stefano to connect more with the song and the audience. Both are great singers but both are in the Bottom 3 this week. The next three contestants up are Naima, Haley and Casey. The first sent back to the couch is Naima. Apparently all that originality on stage did well with both the Judges and America. That left Casey and Haley. Randy loved Haley’s bluesy growl and Steven thought Casey was a whole lot of perfect. However, America did not and Casey would round up this week’s Bottom 3 Finalists. Haley was apparently shocked it looked like she was already mentally prepared to go home.
Up next Jennifer Hudson returned to the Idol stage with her new single Where You At? Hudson like always does an incredible performance, however the lyrics in the song are not the best. But I feel she could even make the phonebook sound amazing. Oh and George Huff returned to the Idol stage singing back-up for her. This week’s Bottom 3 are Thia, Casey and Stefano. Definitely a shocker I was anticipating three ladies with either Naima or Haley going home. I am curious to find out what America truly thinks about the Top 11 Finalists. Thia is the first to return to the couch because she is safe. Now it’s down to Casey and Stefano. Ryan announces that Stefano is safe which means Casey must to sing for his life to remain in the competition one more week. Sing I Don’t Need No Doctor, Casey takes the Idol stage with his usual swagger. Before he can finish the Judges use the one save of the season to keep in the contest. I personally was shocked.
Casey is a crazy talented singer but every time he sing I feel like he’s yelling at me through the TV. Casey was so shocked that they chose him that he said, "Oh My F*cking God." This was definitely an overly dramatic ending for this weeks show. Which means it will only continue next week as we say goodbye to 2 finalists instead of 1. Next Wednesday the Top 11 Finalists bring us songs by Elton John. My song choices for them will be up within the next couple days. This will also be the first year that the Top 11 Finalists will be going on Idol’s Summer Tour- bet you weren’t expecting that! Don’t forget after the Idol results be sure to tune in to Flash Mob ;-)