Okay blogspot readers here it s my first official post of the IdolPhenomena blog. I hope you like it and look forward to reading it in the future.
My first two interviews were compiled July 9th with Natalie Burge of American Idol season 1 and Ryan Farrar who for your true idol fans should remember him from season 1, he’s the guy that sang Bohemian Rhapsody and earned himself a spot in holly wood week.
IP: How has the overall American Idol audition affected your life today?
NB: When anyone has an opportunity to experience something so out of the ordinary such as American Idol you are honestly left with no choice but to be affected. For some it is positive for some it’s negative – for me every experience no matter what the process always concludes as a positive result. I was 16 years old for my first audition for American Idol. It was a trip to say the least. I feel the first season had such a massive advantage in comparison to the follow seasons because we were the “guinea pigs.” We wore our thoughts and emotions on our sleeves (for those of us who had the balls) and the friendships that were created were real not for the camera and not to get ahead in the industry. More than anything American Idol gave me an intense learning experience and friendships that have become family. I lived with Christopher Aaron and Jim Verraros for a few years right after the show – what a time in my life.
RF: Confidence. No matter how pressure packed a situation I find myself in, I know it cannot be as nerve wrecking as waiting 12 hours to sing for 30 seconds without musical accompaniment, with the cameras rolling. I've never been nervous for an audition since being on A.I.
IP: What was your most notable memory of the audition process?
NB: The audition process was surreal due to the fact that so many people from so many different backgrounds and experiences all sat together for HOURS waiting to hear the same words. For me the most notable memory of the audition process had nothing to do with the show in and of itself but was a much more personal note. My father took me to the 1st call-back auditions in Chicago. It was at these auditions we would find out if we were “Going to Hollywood” or not. I’ll never forget the look on my father’s face, the texture of his shirt when I jumped in his arms, or the quiver in his lips as tears swelled in his eyes of happiness. But, you see it wasn’t necessarily because I had “Made it to Hollywood,” though he was thrilled for me; it was because for the first time he saw what made my heart explode with passion and joy. . . music-lyrics-vocals.
RF: Well getting the nod to go
to Hollywood followed by running the streets of Chicago w/ Ryan Seacrest was quite surreal. (Which, for the record, I did this before Jim Verraros, who auditioned for the judges the day after me)
Camping out outside of Aloha Stadium for season 3 was rather amazing as well. Having previously been on the show I was kind of a celebrity to the other auditioners, and I met some really cool people, including a really cool girl from Oklahoma named Tanya, who had also came to Hawaii alone just to audition, and was going to give me a ride back to Waikiki; however, I made it through the opening round, and she didn't, and I've never seen or heard from her since... sad.
IP: Are there any idol hopefuls that you still in contact with today?
NB: I’m still very close to Christopher Aaron and Jim Verraros. We lived together and we’ve even worked together since then. I was a dancer for Jim when his first album “Rollercoaster” came out. I was just as Chris’s yesterday hanging out with him and his dog Digi. Yea- they are both brother from another mother and father to me. . I love them both dearly.
IP: What are you currently working on?
NB: I just graduated from Columbia College with a degree in Music Business Management/Music Production. Back in Chicago I was working with Zak, a fellow Columbia student who runs a production company called Wildlife Productions. Now that’s a bad ass group of guys who know how to create great music. I’m still writing songs with Zak even though I’m 2,000 miles away in LA now. Actually, I just moved back out LA about 2 weeks ago with my best friend Karli, and graphic design artist. So, I’m currently song writing, singing, and loving every single minute of it. Life is pretty freaking fun.
RF: College. I'm about to begin my senior year at Saint Josephs College, majoring in Political Science with minors in Communication and Sociology. At school I'm the captain of the Mock Trial team, and the President of the Columbian Players (our theater group; I recently had a lead in the spring musical), and have been doing lots of improv. I'm hoping to get into grad school and pursue a PHD with the hopes of being a college prof. Though I'm very pleased with my evolution as an actor, and haven't out-ruled pursuing this avenue. I've not given up music, as no true musician ever does. I mostly play with just an acoustic guitar, and I've written many songs. I'm always open to joining a band if the situation is right. My last band, Fourtitude, was very promising but failed because we kept losing bassists and drummers. I'm currently piecing together songs for an album I'm planning to record in the next few weeks, tentatively titled: Diary of a Radman.
IP: What advice would you give someone who want to be on American Idol?
NB: If AmericIan Idol is your “dream” then I guess the best advice I could give would be to remember it’s a TV show and to have an understanding of the industry. It’s all a business if you forget about passion.
RF: Get the honest opinion of someone who isn't afraid to tell you if you suck. And prepare like hell, because you really only get one shot. I tried to make it back, but they really never gave me a fair shot after the 1st season.
IP: Who was your favorite contestant throughout the audition process?
NB: The whole process was such a whirlwind that all I could think about was “oh my gosh this is amazing… look mom – ohh look wow.” HaHaHa It was about creating relationships for me. So if using that as my foundation without a doubt my favorite was and is Christopher Aaron. He is a kind spirit, a good friend, and a killer artist.
RF: Probably Kristin Holt, in Hollywood she had a contestant cam, and she got me to give her a taste of bohemian rhapsody. She was too nice to turn down, and seemed like a really fun person I wished I'd had the chance to get to know her better.
IP: Who is your idol/role model and how have they inspired you?
NB: My role models are my friends. The people I surround myself with everyday that live life like they mean it. It’s a beautiful process to be apart of and grow in. My friends continue to astound me. I love them with such a passion. It’s amazing when you can hug the very people that make you want to be a better person.
RF: Bono. I think he's a modern day Jesus. He's so cool, incredibly talented, and is always taking on a cause to make the world a better place. He also has a sweet accent.
IP: Which idol contestant are you listening to in your cd/mp3 player?
NB: I would say Kelly Clarkson. She is a rad girl with guts, pipes, and brains.
RF: David Cook singing Eleanor Rigby. I think he's the best winner they've had since Kelly. IP: Have you auditioned for more than one season?
RF: For season 3, in Hawaii (singing Paula's Straight Up) and 4 (didn't get on t.v.)
IP: Can you share any of the judges comments?
RF: There are a few good ones that never made t.v. (I won't rehash the ones that did) In Hollywood for season 1 I sang "Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay" one of 5 song choices they gave us. After which Paula said: "That was even better than when you were in L.A.!" all perky like. Nigel ran in and was like: "Wait, wait, he auditioned in Chicago... lets take that again and instead of L.A. say CHICAGO." Followed by Randy saying something like "Yeah that was tight dog." Finally Simon came in with a Cowell classic: "I personally disagree, I think that you slipped through the net, and you've proved that you really can't sing at all." Which I found humorous considering Simon was the one who really pushed for me to get to Hollywood in the first place... I didn't think it was funny when I was cut from the show about 8 hours later (on the show they claimed this cut happened immediately... ha!)
Image Credit: For the photo submitted by Natalie the credit goes to Karli Foss and for the image of Ryan credit goes to himself.